FAQ is motorized and produced by Brandon Civil and Cultural Association.
We take art and its manifestations as the axis of our activism (ARTIVISM) and culture as a powerful political fact capable of transforming us into a more just and egalitarian society.
FAQ is a collective celebration in the context of the Human Rights international month.
A festival, and even more so a Queer Art Festival, constitutes a channel of expression, expansion, education, enjoyment, strengthening of bonds, new weaves, complicities and embraces.
A necessary and urgent place of resistance in these times, which thanks to the institutions, embassies, artists and managers that accompany us and that joined us unconditionally, has become real.
Thanks to the team and to all of you for being, spreading and participating.
Because a better world is made by everyone.
Because we are many, we are one, we are together, and our hands must be united.
Convictions must be action.
Welcome to FAQ!
Lisa Kerner / Violeta Uman
Dirección Artística:
Lisa Kerner
Violeta Uman
Asesores de Programación musical:
Benito Cerati
Paula Maffia
Coordinador de invitadxs y programación cine:
Fernando Perdomo
Redes sociales:
Guadalupe Casigno
Violeta Uman
Asistencia de producción:
Noralía Savio Balbuena
Laura Gonzalez
Diseño gráfico e identidad visual:
Leandro Ibarra